Quality comes first
Quality before quantity.
With us quality is always the most important issue. Convenience pet food is as good as the raw ingredients contained in it. That is why we only deal with quality conscious and reliable suppliers providing us with such high quality ingredients.
Every ingredient is supplied in its original natural state, not as a prefabricated mass. Thus we have complete control over what goes into the pet food. Every day our employees give their best to ensure that the raw ingredients are carefully processed according to highest hygienic standards.
Besides the actual product quality, quality means to us that the products, regarding structure, consistency and colour from charge to charge, are invariable and that we deliver in time.
Also, we take care that we produce in a sustainable manner and thereby preserve natural ressources.
Open and honest communication with our partners is self-evident to us, because in that way one can learn best from each other and walk fortified into the future.